Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hot Dog The Movie Drinking Game

One of my favorite movies, despite and also because of its camp, is 1984's Hot Dog The Movie. Anyone born after 1990 should watch it to discover the joy that is ballet skiing. I took it upon myself to bring its appreciation to a new level with the "Hot Dog Drinking Game," so that young adults on ski trips can kill two birds with one stone. I highly recommend that Hot Dog be watched in a coed setting, since the laughter will double, and the drinking, according to these rules, will increase tenfold. Enjoy.

Hot Dog The Movie Drinking Game Rules

The regular rules:

-Drink whenever you see or hear the words “Squaw Valley”

-Drink when somebody does a flip. Doubles are double, triples triple, and a Kiss Ass Blaster is a quadruple drink

-Drink every time Rudi Garmisch is a “world-class asshole"

-That quote is from Dan O’Callaghan, who you must always drink with

-Drink every time someone bites it, eats it, hits a tree, or otherwise wipes out

-Drink every time that the skiers complain the competition is rigged or unfair

-Drink when one of the Rad Pack is super 80s, Japanese, or puts on sunscreen (Depending on how you define this, this can be quite a lot. Use discretion.)

-If anyone in the group makes fun of ballet skiing, they have to drink until the competition is over

-Drink when either team scores in broomball

-Chug your beer while Squirrel gets a blowjob

And the rules that make coed watching a necessity:

-Chug your beer for as long as you feel sexually or emotionally aroused

-Chug your beer for as long as you feel sexually or emotionally awkward

-Drink double every time you feel both aroused and awkward

Credit where credit is due- the original rules I ascribe to "JDav and KWitts." Comments and additions appreciated.

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